Monday, June 28, 2010

On being 70

Yipes!!!!!!!!!  when did that happen.

I don’t feel 70 – well, some of the time.  In my mind I don’t feel 70.  I feel like life has just begun – anew – that every day there is something to learn, something to do which will tire me out, something to hear that I have never heard before, and someone new to meet. 

I have spent time envying youth, their energy, creativity and stupidity.  I know all us “elderly” have done the same.  The young never stop.  They are always ready to go – if it’s play.  They are always ready for friends – if they can meet at a familiar place and do the same thing they did last time they were together.  They are always ready to push the limits – they seem to think no one else has ever been there, done that, and it is really cool.  And they never know when to stop, slow to figure out what comes next or the consequences of the next stupid experiment. 

I don’t envy youth any more.  Oh, when I creek and groan, can’t open a jar, or get tired in the afternoon, I think it would be nice to have boundless energy, all day long, because I can think of some pretty cool things I would like to do and try, but I just don’t have the energy.  I don’t envy all the unknowns in their young lives.  Had I known how much society and technology was going to change in my life span, I would have been tired before I began. 

But fortunately, one has to take those things as they come, make the best of them, or ignore them, and then you turn 70!!!! or not.  I miss those who didn’t make it.  They must be looking around for a better chance to catch up and be a part of all that evolution, picking their re-entry into life with care, so that the lessons this time around won’t be so hard – and so brief.

My 1958 high school class just had a mass 70th birthday party.  It was such a good idea, I wish I had thought of it myself, but fortunately some other of us have retained their creativity in relationships, and love to express their love of life.  We are all 70-or close to it.  None of us looked old and wrinkly.  I can’t speak about those who chose not to come, but at least half the class was there, and they were a pretty spry bunch.  We are all passed the excessive drinking and keggers, so talk was pretty sincere.  Only a couple of smokers left, I think, and as I was reminded many years before I quit – they will quit sometime.  That’s a definite.  Every one seemed pretty content to be where they were, with where they had been, and interested in other’s journeys. 

To those who chose not to be a part of the party, I am sorry that you missed it.  I hope it was for real reasons – other obligations, family ties. That sort of thing.  If you didn’t come for fear of being rejected and feeling out of place, believe me, there was no out of place, no extreme, no down and out.  Everyone is who they are, glad to be there, and we missed you. 

So when is the 55th reunion?????  (and who will still  be here – hmmmmmmmmm????????)  I hope there will be some first timers (who have never attended a reunion before) then as there were at the party.  I hope we will observe as much joy and prosperity as we did this time.  And I know we will all be more forgiving, accepting, and glad to be there by then.  Who knows what the world may be doing by then – and who cares??????  We have done our part – almost – and what we have to give will be mostly appreciated by each other.  The young know it all, and will go their own way, and do their own thing.  Didn’t we??????????  And what a ride it has been.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY            and thanks to those who worked hard to put on the party.  Party on.

1 comment:

Bear and Butterfly said...

Happy Birthday - you get younger every day!