Tuesday, July 6, 2010

On loaves and fishes – ENOUGH ALREADY

I have been trying to learn to live by the mantra “there is enough” .  I mean by that that there is enough resources, money, love, relationships, water, air, etc. for everyone in the world to live a joyous sustainable life.  Now that may seem a stretch, but if God  created all this abundance, why would He withhold from some, why would He ration unequally?  Why would He choose a select few to starve, suffer, for others to trod upon???

HMMMMM as stated in “drop by drop”, (David Ridge, Living Water Unity Church)  praying to solve the oil spill problem must require a change in our behavior, which created the greed, which led to the carelessness of the accident in the first place, in order to change the out come, or change the occurrence  of such disastrous events.  O dear, must I take personal responsibility???

I have been reading SOUL OF MONEY by Lynn Twist.  In it she shares her experiences in fund raising, mainly for the Hunger Project, and the peoples and cultures she has experienced in the process of trying to solve the hunger problem in this abundant world.  One experience required her to teach the leader of a South American tribe to use money, as his culture had never experienced nor needed money as a tool of exchange.  All members of his tribe did what was necessary for the sustenance of all.  Now that time has passed for us, I realize.  But there must be a lesson here, and the whole book is full of “AHA” moments when you slowly realize it is not what you have, but it is your potential that defines your role in life, and that there is enough for all to live in peace, harmony and abundance when we all use our potential for the good of all.   

We had a wonderful party yesterday at our house.  Folks came from the two churches with whom we associate, and they all shared their food, fun, conversation, experiences, and money for a common good.  We love to throw parties, and would have done so for no reason whatsoever, but our dollar investment in this one was tripled  for the common cause for which we gathered.  Our one loaf was tripled to feed the many, but it happened because all those who took the time to enjoy the party chipped in, donated their share, and made the few loaves and fishes turn into enough.  Well, enough if we do this more often, or something similar, or just simply share generously enough knowing that there is enough, and what is given will be returned many times over.

What has this thought to do with the ugly oil spill on the Gulf Coast???  Change.  Change is hard:  giving up beliefs which no longer serve, or which constrain your potential, and adopting beliefs which will expand your horizons. 

Seeing this happen and helping to experience this is why we are glad to be at home.  We will leave again in a few days, but leave looking for ways to share the abundance, and new folks to share it with.  And then we will be glad to be home again soon, to continue connections which we hold dear. 

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