Monday, March 29, 2010

On the way home

We are in Deming, only a 180 mile trip today, but we are both tired, and there are so many things to learn about this coach, it is frustrating.  The TV is the biggest issue I guess, but on the trip today we lost the generator muffler somewhere.  But since we probably won’t need the generator the rest of the trip, it can wait. 

I want to tell you a little more about Los Algodones, Mexico where we went with Bill and Lesle while in Yuma.  Most on the road RVers know about it, as they come here every year to get there new glasses, teeth fixed, and I am not sure what else is there, but walking into the row of doctors and opticians is like walking into a circus of vendors, hawkers of medical services, and who know what else.  Every one speaks English, and they all take dollars instead of pesos.  I have yet to meet anyone who was not satisfied with their $250 crown, root canal, implants or false teeth, and they get the work done in one or two days instead of visit after visit and weeks of time.  It really is a busy place, especially after 10:00am when the liquor stores open.  So those in the know get their appointments done early, shop in the maze of vendors (which I didn’t find all that cheap, but boy do they haggle) get to the pharmacia and get almost any drug you want really cheap without scripts (except narcotics – they do require scripts for that, but I am told that for the asking, a pharmacist will write one for you if you bring a empty bottle) 

Then the RVs leave the Yuma area like rats off a sinking ship.  The road north is naught but RVs, and the parks and free BLM land empties out. So we are all heading north, slowly, hoping the snow is done, and the roads clear.  Of course for many home is where you park it, so it is all a question of semantics where you call home.  For most, it is a visitation to the northern relatives, and heirs whose inheritance we are spending.  And loving it.

I have received some pictures of the new rig, but I don’t yet know how to get them here.  So be patient with me.   

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